Has your employer refused to provide you with a reference, or has it asked you to submit a draft version? Depending on your requirements, you will either receive a credible draft employment reference that you can present to your employer yourself, or you can instruct BE|LEGAL to prepare the reference and to submit it to your employer. Indicate this in the Notes section of the questionnaire or give us a call.
BE|LEGAL is your reliable and experienced partner in reference writing and can advise you on the steps to take and accompany you as you take them. BE|LEGAL can save you time and money.
Reference review
Fixed price
- Reference review:
- Check for errors or irregularities in the content or form of your reference
- Clear explanation of the basic content and grading or your reference
- Recommondation on how to proceed
- Processing within three working days
- Urgent orders possible
- All under one roof
- Transparency
- Top quality
Reference correction
Fixed price
- Reference correction:
- Check as to wether there are any erros, and if so, which, and also recommandation on stylstic and formal improvements
- Clear explanation about reference content and requisite changes
- Preparation of a draft reference content which is ready to be submitted to your employer to be signed
- Recommondation on how to proceed
- Processing within three working days
- Urgent orders possible
- All under one roof
- Transparency
- Top quality
Reference preparation
Fixed price
- Reference preparation
- Review of your documents and preparation of a realistic draft employment reference based on your criteria
- Employment reference that is ready to be signed
- Stylistically and formally perfect and in compliance with the law
- Informative and relevant to your position
- Reommondation on how to proceed
- Processing within three working days
- Urgent orders possible
- All under one roof
- Transparency
- Top quality