Do you wish to delegate the writing to an expert and have a version drafted that is ready to be signed? If you wish, we can provide you with one or more informative and legally compliant draft references that are ready to be signed. All you would have to do is print them on your letterhead, sign them and send them out.
BE|LEGAL is your reliable and experienced partner in reference writing and can advise you on the steps to take and accompany you as you take them. BE|LEGAL can save you time and money.
Reference review & correction
Fixed price
- Reference review and correction:
- Check wether there are any errors, and if so which, and also recommendation on stylistic and formal improvements
- Clear explanation about reference content and requisite changes
- Preparation of a draft which is ready to be signed
- All under one roof
- Tansparency
- Top quality
Reference writing
Fixed price
- Reference writing:
- Preparation of a realistic draft reference based on your criteria
- (Draft) reference that is ready to be signed
- Stylistically and formally perfect and in comliance with the law
- All under one roof
- Tansparency
- Top quality
Reference law
Fixed price
- Refreence law:
- Check on the legalities of the claim to have a refernce corrected or issued
- If necessary, communication and negotiation with your (former) employee
- Defence in court against unjustified claims by employees
- All under one roof
- Tansparency
- Top quality